
March 14, 2024 in Gardening

Transform your Brightwood home into a green haven that’s more than just a place to live, but part of an eco-friendly lifestyle that benefits both you and the planet.
By adopting some simple changes, we can make a significant impact on reducing our environmental footprint, while also lowering our bills at the same time – the ultimate duo!

Water conservation

Simple water-saving tips for indoors include having shorter showers, not leaving the tap running whilst brushing your teeth, waiting until your dishwasher or washing machine is full before turning it on, and opting for eco cycles.
They’ll turn into habits before you know it, and you’ll see the positive results in your water usage soon enough.
For the outdoors, making seasonal adjustments to your sprinkler watering times is important to avoid overwatering and ensures efficient use of water in your garden. Consider watering in the cool of the morning or late afternoon when plants have time to absorb the water, and avoid the hottest part of the day.
Be sure to know the watering days in Baldivis too, which you can check here.

Creating an energy-efficient home is not only environmentally responsible, but also takes advantage of the sunshine and afternoon breezes, which is a great way to create a cosy feel within your home.
Make use of your natural light during the day by opening windows and curtains instead of turning on the lights in each room. In winter this natural light will help to warm your home. In the summer, close the blinds during the day to keep your home cool, and open everything up in the cool of the evening.
At night create a cosy relaxed atmosphere by dimming the lights to save energy and prolong the lifespan of your bulbs, and if you haven’t already – make the switch to LED bulbs for their energy efficiency and longer lifespan too.
Don’t forget to switch off appliances at the powerpoint whenever possible to further conserve energy!

Reduce, reuse and recycle
Reduce, reuse, recycle – our regular reminder of our responsibility to the environment.
The three bin collection system in Baldivis supports us in our waste management efforts, and if you need guidance on what to put in each bin, you can find it here.
Maintain your commitment further by leaving the reusable shopping bags in the car so you never forget them. Opt for products with minimal packaging and say no to yet another bag you will simply throw in the bin when you get home. When your online shopping arrives, repurpose the parcel bag you receive, and use it when sending your next package.
Consider taking things an easy step further by setting up a compost bin for kitchen waste and collecting your bottles for Containers for Change, where you’ll receive a financial reward for your efforts.

Every small action counts, start your green living journey with these simple steps in your Brightwood home, and let’s continue to build towards a sustainable future.

Contact our friendly sales team:

Debra Hanlon
Phone: 0414 940 724
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Thanh Nguyen
Phone: 0414 288 165
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Debra Hanlon

Phone: 0414 940 724
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Thanh profile

Thanh Nguyen

Phone: 0414 288 165
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