
November 07, 2022 in Gardening

Are you keen to make the most of the sunshine plus a fun outdoor activity with the family? Starting a vegetable patch is not only a great way to enjoy fresh produce and save money on the weekly groceries but it’s also a way to get the kids outside and involved.

With so many delicious vegetables to choose from, getting started can be quite overwhelming. If you’re not sure which seed to plant first and where, don’t worry, you’re not alone. That’s why we’ve done some digging around for you, so keep reading for all the best advice about which vegetables to plant this spring.


It’s hard to beat a freshly picked and home-grown cucumber. Full of flavour and crunch, they are delicious in salads, sandwiches or even homemade tzatziki. They grow easily on climbing frames or when there’s not much space, they can grow in a large pot (at least 40cm across) if you train the vines up a climbing frame.


Pulling your own crop of carrots out of the ground is enough to make your mouth water. Carrots are super easy to grow, thriving when they are seed-sown into your veggie patch - just make sure you keep the soil damp until the seeds germinate. They like free-draining, deep soil which means you don’t need to add extra compost or fertiliser. Baby carrots develop quickly and are a good choice for raised beds, troughs or impatient gardeners.


These juicy beauties are often the first crop budding gardeners start with, and with so many different varieties to choose from these days, including some interestingly-coloured heritage varieties, it’s not hard to see why. Tomatoes are sun-worshipers and do best in warm soil, so it’s best to plant them in late spring. Add lots of compost and fertiliser to the soil so that the tomatoes get enough nutrients. The plants also need lots of growing room, so place the seeds far apart.


Beets are a great choice for early spring and if you don’t have a lot of room, relax: these easy-going root veg don’t need a lot of space. If you decide to plant them in the ground rather than pots, use a garden tiller to make sure the soil is loose and rock-free. Soak the beet seeds in warm water to soften the shells before planting them three to five cm apart, half an inch in the ground. Once the seedlings appear, make sure the soil is consistently moist by watering them often.

If you can see a future for you or your family at Brightwood, feel free to get in touch with our team who would love to chat to you about available house and land packages.

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